domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012


Genesis 41:33 Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.

Introduction: As we know how much it cost to Joseph at this point, you get to be a great administrator of Egypt, in rank second only to Pharaoh. He was sold into slavery by his brothers, left the loving care of his father to slavery, was very severe stroke. Then sold to Potiphar and in time so unjustly accused by Potiphar's wife and then he was already in prison, where he lived for some years to become second only to Pharaoh, after interpreting the dream of the 7 thin cows and 7 fat etc. Then Pharaoh himself advised a manager is wise and prudent to collect and store in the seven years of plenty for the seven years of famine that is coming. - The Pharaoh was wise, he put Joseph then who would be wiser than Joseph, this was right and here he turned to Joseph's life these days and what are the came to realize that God put there in place for a special reason.Something so cute in this history is to see that God was always with him - and one of the strengths is the quality of the administration he had. -

1) Diligence:
Gen 41:46 Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh and went through all the land of Egypt.
No doubt Joseph was very diligent, he traveled throughout Egypt and organized everything. It is seen that such an abundance of grains collected no longer could count more. He leaves us a great lesson to us of how we must be at work, diligent and wise. This was one of the important virtues of Joseph.
Pro 10:5 He who gathers in summer is a wise son, who sleeps during harvest is a son that causeth shame.
Brother if you are a student you should put your study time and stick, be diligent, you can not stay adrift. So in all activities and responsibilities you have, you must meet the effective plan of activity you diligently. -
The plan must be balanced not to kill but something that can be put into practice, you should seek God's wisdom when making your plans. -

2) Effectiveness:
Gen 41:54 and started coming seven years of famine, as Joseph had said, then there was famine in all lands, but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.

Today in any work of construction, whether building a bridge engineers calculate a route called "EFFICIENCY" For example when building a route plotted in the same place trying to land fill that need for some to take Kate a proximal portion side where you have to take the high ground by it. -
To be effective in ministry must make wise plans. - How are the plans in the Ministry? Are they effective?
In Study hours that must separate these wide awake to study, understand unless you write to ask the teacher, but if you do nothing about this and take your life drifting How reach the goal? You will not be effective. -
Gen 41:48 And he gathered all the fruit of these seven years of plenty which were in the land of Egypt, and put the food in the cities, and saved in each city the fruits of their surrounding fields.
Gen 41:49 And Joseph stored grain in great abundance, as the sand of the sea, until he stopped measuring it because it could not be measured.

3) LIABILITY AND RELIABILITY: UNDOUBTEDLY NOT ONLY WAS DILIGENT, but very responsible in their work. Are those with whom you put a schedule and in time you Ilagan, who are concerned about meeting all those people who are called to trust them completely to be very responsible. Are we so us in our work and our service to God, we trust God for a ministry to us, we keep our promise and serve preocuparíamos by efficiently?
Believers must be people very loyal to God, to be honest and fair.When you are faithful to God, the fruits will be that you would trust to sometimes give you the keys to a home care or to spend there. If you are not reliable would not get the. Joseph was reliable before Pharaoh who left everything in their hands, and thought it would be responsible in their mission, and that was it. Got all of Egypt for Pharaoh. -
4) Wisdom:
Gen 41:34 Let Pharaoh do this: name mayors of the country and require a fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years.
Gen 41:35 And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and stored in the cities for food grain under the authority of Pharaoh, and to protect him.
Gen 41:36 And that food be a reserve for the country during the seven years of famine that will occur in the land of Egypt, so that the country does not perish during the famine.

God gave Joseph a lot of wisdom, without it we can not be good stewards, received wisdom today by the Spirit of God. For this we have to have fellowship with God. -

Joseph and Daniel were prominent in the great wisdom they had, that God gave them. Only with the wisdom that God gives us we can make very effective and optimal plans for our lives work studies.Once we also study the Faith in God is the foundation of a good plan when Jochebed and Abiram faith Moses' parents prepared a plan to save life of Moses, the plan worked so perfect for the Faith that not only saved but Moses payments were pharaoh's mother care for her son Moses. The plans are wise and work when in communion with God and Faith are made.
José insurance immediately after decoding the dream of Pharaoh, knew immediately which was a perfect plan to solve the famine years. -

God not only gave Joseph the interpretation of the dream but God also gives us a wise and effective plan to solve problems and achieve success. Have the plans learned of God in your life, your service to God in your studies in your work in your family to take your family to achieve success for children according to God Believers. Is in your plans eg Faith Prayer Bible reading virtue rather than miss the Church and love the brothers. There are also plans for the Great Commission can be a holder of the Missionaries or Mission abroad. -

Gen 47:20 So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine was severe upon them, and the land became Pharaoh's.

Joseph was very wise actively responsible for the administration, 7 years of plenty for Pharaoh result could not be better to provide 7 years of famine. -
How would we live if we are believers like Joseph and wise managers like Joseph and Daniel, and are blessed with a true communion with God as they were that they belonged to the Old Testament. Daniel Joseph And how would if they belonged to the New Testament?. So believers today must be very wise managers in every way in great abundance. Should excel in this world lost and foolish. -
We MUST BE managers and stewards of God today, those who administer the word of God the Gospel, the churches in this world. - We must also be very wise to manage our lives, our jobs, studies, our money. Not spend on things that make no sense, we have to settle for something useful. - Do not spend on cigarettes or alcoholic drinks BUT IN WITH VEGETABLES AND THINGS COSINARIAMOS ECONOMIC ECONOMIC AND NOT SO the grocery store, We would not give as much fat trans our bodies and so more exercise and fresh air walks. Soda or coke only a few times. We eat healthy as we have wisdom. - And so in all aspects of our lives, our lives would love to one person does not like the world and be faithful in marriage. - Our prayer life is also excellent life of the Church and Bible reading. ! SO COME UNTIL HIGH POINT THAT WE HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT IN WE!
Conclucion: Gen 41:52 And the second he named Ephraim, he said: God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.
Undoubtedly this was the most important in the life of Joseph, "God was with him" and without doubt it was God's reason why he came to that position in Egypt and why He helped his people andthroughout Egypt and the entire region OFFICER BEING AN EXCELLENT AND ADMINISTRATOR WITH EXCELLENT VIRTUES. -
the only reason for all excited is our relationship with God. -

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