Be not afraid, only believe. Mark 5:36
How nice verse to apply it to our lives today are very encouraging words
of Christ coming to us today to stand up and be strong in the Spirit.
Appear these words of Christ, on the same day that he was in Gadara making many people
happy, as happy today wants us to us.
1) The
context of our text:
He had said to one, this day, he had been demonized, Mark 5:19, "Go
and count it to yours, how great things the Lord has done for you, and how He
had mercy on you." The Lord said these words because this man wanted to
follow him and gave him a beautiful mission. Then he turned to the other side
and a crowd gathered around him on that displays the ruler of the synagogue
named Jairus (22 and 23) here begins our story Jairo prostrates and begs a lot
to go and get my hands about her daughter who was dying and so alive. Jesus
left and a large entourage followed him. (24 to 34) During this time a woman
play in the healthy and blood flow in that period of time come and say to
Jairus not bother the teacher any more because his daughter died already and it
is there that Jesus said to Jairus, " but fear not believe "and then
the great miracle happens, Jesus raises the daughter of Jairus.
: We imagine the tremendous pain Jairo. A father who is watching his
daughter die. Once my son was very sick and seemed going to die, he saw my
little son in the hospital doing tremendous effort to breathe, when I left the
hospital to seek a remedy did not know if he would live when I get back, I
devoted THERE OTHER turn to God and told him I was willing to do in his
ministry he asks me, I said that in my desperation CRYING FATHER, far cry sure
the Lord as Jairus did, and the Lord heard my merciful as he did with Jairo, I
returned to the hospital they said it was better, before that I had broken my
heart, I could not even think about the possibility of losing my precious son. It
is a pain that dulls the mind, we decompose too tense you and affects your
body. Until God gave me peace. I imagine when Jairo pray to Christ and he
prostrates was destroyed, is a very big pain and tension. Therefore surrenders
to Christ and asked a lot. And that happened to him when he reported that his
daughter had died, but Jesus immediately at that point he says "Fear not
but believe."
Many times we go through these blows of life, tremendous blows of life,
and I do not want to imagine other pain even more devastating as seeing someone
in your family go through diseases such as cancer, leukemia, tumors mutilators
terrible accidents and other things as torture terrible, sometimes serious but
not so much make you suffer unbearable pain as torturous breakdowns.
3) Examples:
Israel when he had to enter the promised land in Cades of Bernea, I
doubt Israel had no faith and God will not let him enter the promised land
(except Joshua and Caleb) but for 40 years he was wandering in the wilderness,
but wept throughout the night but there was no turning back now, but God did
not allow him to walk 40 years in the desert where they all died and only their
children entered the promised land
Num 14:21 but surely as I live, all the earth shall be full of the glory
of the LORD;
Jesus did little miracle in Nazareth
for their unbelief and Christ tells us here that we should believe only as.
believe.: Christ was very clear, showed essentially the sole and
sufficient condition. And eternal salvation comes through faith alone, so it is
in the Christian life, the world succeed against the devil and our flesh with
faith in Christ alone. Faith is the only necessary and sufficient condition.
Now we know that God gives us faith today, it is not our faith, that is human
is a faith that comes from heaven by the Holy Spirit, but even this faith that
gives us the Spirit comes from confidence in Christ and him crucified . Everything
comes from faith.
We should read and meditate on God's word and hear messages from God's
Word that God produces in us the faith in Christ. No faith get away from the
Church of the Word and prayer. / I'm not debating whether it works depends on
our faith because in that case you should enter the doctrine of election
teaches us that all glory and takes the not us. His work always comes first.
Christ called faith, trust Jairus, today is what his word girders asks
of us, the New Testament also asks us faith, trust in your blood in your child
for all things in life? Always trust in Christ? ? We have faith in Him? if only
we could always believe in at all times, by the blood shed for us, blood also
confident that we will all other things of this life, both afflictions as
tremendous tremendous peace, hope on Him so be.
? It did wonders Jesus that day, This is another great wonder. He
is doing wonders? The physical death raised the daughter of Jairus, that's
great divine power, because we do not come to the heart with a sincere faith
trusting in His precious blood that makes us be in his presence and in his
blood to get that precious faith live a life of power ...? Know "Life of
Power" God wants us to experience that abundant life of power, we live the
resurrection power of Christ, we live the power that took him to heaven and sat
down at the right hand of God, is a power too great that comes when we reach to
live from faith to faith constantly, knowing his presence with us without
looking at the reality around us but only Christ and His sufficiency in all
things, to live so as stated by our forces is impossible but in Christ all
possible. In these sermons by his grace I will continue to seek to live a life
of faith and the power of God, an abundant life. Christ said here "Fear
not, only believe" is what we also need to understand, if only we could
live in faith God will see spectacular works wonderful, even in the midst of
trouble, we will be fully protected by Him God bless you brother and may know
the power of life through faith in Christ.
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