Luke 3:14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.
Content with your SALARY Luke 3:14
This issue is between the teachings sure what else we need in the world today and always, our human nature usually not satisfied with the salary they receive for teaching or exhortation that John the Baptist gave the soldiers, was that extortion should not make anyone and had to settle for their pay. Did not we seek to grow in salary? Should not we look ahead in life? If it is not bad but consistent, happy attitude, having food and raiment let us be content, 1 Timothy 6:8. This means we must grow with contentment and spiritual balance to the bitterness of heart or the imbalance of the world as never lets anything. Christians easily fall in that desconformismo (not happy) and is a sign that we are not well spiritually, this world is a tragedy and is richer one is not as ever, is the greed of our flesh pulls us into a deep abyss of bitterness, we must stop this in the cross of Christ, fully conforming to what teaches us God's Word the Bible.
As we saw our text is Luke 3:14. Charting accurately the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). We know that John belongs even to the Old Testament (Matthew 11:11), His teaching is directly related to 1 Timothy 6:6-10 where Paul speaks of contentment, and have food and clothing we are happy and that the root of all evil is the love of money for this reason some have turned away, they have erred from the faith and suffered too.
Also connected with the teaching of John Hebrews 13:5 even IN TEXT, the same Greek word used in John the Baptist to be content or conform say. (With salary) Use Retching Greek word. In Hebrews 13:5 says: Let your conversation be without covetousness; HAPPY with what you have, for he said: Do not forsake you nor I will let you (Deuteronomy 31:6 and Joshua 1:5 8) If you read these verses tells of that beautiful promise to Israel as Jews today through us "not leave you nor forsake you" (THE REASON FOR ALWAYS BE COMPLIANT) We must trust that He cares for us.
So brothers John the Baptist was right to urge the soldiers to be content with their wages, and this is a great lesson that we should take for our entire life, that of contented by what we get, someone will say, but how we will ! Is that so hard? For this one is sufficient need all the help from heaven as always for every good work,
Need throughout our Christian life God's grace working in us, the Holy Spirit doing His work permanently in us, must live by faith in the crucified as our cleaner evil within us, Christ operating in us not us. As the Bible teaches us God Palaba.
With what we have, we give thanks to God the Father and seek first the Kingdom of God, Spiritual knowing what else will the bargain, is the way to go up treasures in heaven, which is where we really grow and make raise profits. And Mr. surely take care of us here on earth-Matthew 6:33-34. Matthew 6:19-21. -
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