miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012
Luke 10:38 And it came to leaving, he entered into a village
INTRODUCTION: Something wonderful happened in Bethany, a village near Jerusalem about three miles approx., This village was Bethany Jerusalem was a small but privileged by the visit of Christ, "which is God," a wonderful thing village boy receives a wonderful visit of a King, but not a king any of this world, this is an eternal King of heaven and earth but the earth did not know or still know much. Even more privileged family received the Mary Martha and Lazarus. It seems that only believers today have that in mind, the living Christ in us, Although sometimes we do not know to live well in the world. Like most in Bethany did not know, the privilege of them was able to see Christ encarnado.-they received a beautiful present, the best of everything. -
As always displaying its light Christ walked and now deployed his immense and huge light at Bethany and specific location of the house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. - Spacing the highest good for all sides. Acts 10:38 "You know how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him"
Surely we have to think he was with his company, with his disciples to whom he was training for the ministry. While speaking of the only in this passage was a company that came to Bethany. The best company in the entire Bible never existed and never will be surpassed, for who was in that company. -
I) THE GET IN THE HOUSE OF MARTA: and a woman named Martha received him into her home.
We must note that Christ had no home in Jerusalem and surroundings being the King, he told the world so that is a lesson for Christianity in all ages, as well lived was born. And his servants depended for their livelihood. This is surprising because it did not determine the truth of his message. -
Christ as man had intimate friends, this friendship with this family was very prominent and much loved this family, and occasionally stopped there. - John 11:5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
Today we can allow God to have fellowship with us and live with us. - John 14:23 Jesus answered and said, 'If anyone loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and come to him and do with he abode.
Marta did not notice the cost would be at home to Christ and his entourage, was sure they had much love for Christ was to them for more wonderful to have the cost and lead work. -
Likely later closer to the cross of Christ would be a friend to be despised by many, but Marta's family insurance would not be intimidated by that. - Now for Christ's sake we are persecuted but also this is a privilege even in persecution because of the love of Christ and what He is to us. - We believe that this house was the residence at Bethany's last days on earth when Jesus ministered in Jerusalem and was going to Bethany. -
Another thing we see is that Marvelous Martha, Mary and Lazarus had good taste for entertaining, and we must learn somehow make our invited guests, a great advantage for the evangelization of our family and our loved ones and our neighbors and neighborhood and city.-Martha, Mary and Lazarus had good taste in procession to receive Christ and always at home. -
Today you can receive Christ not only as a visitor but to dwell in your life in your heart Revelation 3:20 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and opens the door, come in to him and dine with him and he with me.
Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the feet of Jesus, heard his word.
Apparently Jesus then began to make the core, to give his sermon, teaching, as Maria was sitting at his feet thought his sermon was something smooth and continuous. What else is important to mention that Christ is the word of living God's Word and is the messenger from heaven sent to us and what he saw and heard in person came to preach, never been in the world something. The same who created the heavens and the earth in human form was in the house of Martha preaching the Word of God. -
Looking at this, then we realize we can not fail to hear the preacher blessed blessed message. And then we realize that Mary was right to sit and hear the preacher heavenly truth in person. -
To this day when the Church is gathered and it looks bad that believers are not there listening to the preacher who must always be based on the Bible taking the message of Christ God. - Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name , there am I with them.
As we have said: Here we note also that Christ immediately began to fulfill his mission of preaching the Word, was to direct, as when he spoke to the Samaritan woman, with Nicodemus, he immediately went to the core, preach his Word. -
This teaches us that we too must be ready in churches and homes, opportunities presented to us, to go first is the centrality of preaching and then the fellowship. -
We note that this Christ By giving priority to the message because he knows well our need Humana, become infinite we need then to become the great need for mature spiritually, knowing that we can not conceive that there will witness on Sunday Church to hear the Word of God and Christ and prayer to understand the message of the Word of God and pray that he who preaches and understands the importance of God and seek to prepare the food we need to receive the Word of God for that day he preaches, is responsible in this ministry as it is too important and very big responsibility not we go to church to hear stories or fables or only human thoughts but to hear the true Word of God, explanation and clarification of verses and nothing else.
Looking at this we said, we thought we could have some fatal errors that will witness the first Sunday to hear the sermon at our church, or that our presence and we concentrated on the ground or in children or in the food you serve after and not we address and we focus on understanding the Word of God that is being exposed. Another mistake that can happen that the preacher is not responsible to seek the food of God for believers or unbelievers who attend, and one of them, all are not praying to correctly receive the Word of God and understand and make their fruit all.
Preachers who have enormous responsibility, we must honor the pulpit with messages coming from the same sky if not, we should shut up. Brothers always that if we all keep in prayer, that our preaching be a blessing Bing Bang, Se brothers already have noted that prayer for years how important it is, and I pray for myself and my fellow preachers, it is great our responsibility. That every day we are exposing best verses of the Word of God! And that is our Lavor beautiful! Brother preachers need Will not you be one? ! What a privilege and responsibility! To improve our preaching and who comes to God that one day even in eternity is taken into account and in memory. We must preach like last time. Think of his sheep herders, lift, llénale Word of God, Christ came to Bethany where his priority was not the kitchen but immediately went to their flocks and their spiritual needs it more than anything in this world, the eternal Word of God shared. Your Pastor sheep needs of the Word of God, needs to grow. No wonder Christ spent in prayer hours, This is the great need of this world, Pastor here is a Key to to found churches, preach sermons that come from heaven to build, saving and do it with the love of Christ to his flock in as much as possible, -.
! What a great example we have in Mary who sat to hear the Word of God, surely it was not only an example to all there at that time but through history, when he recalled this story, how many will appreciate this beautiful example Maria? she focused on hearing the Word of God and left everything else, if she was doing something she left everything, That was Mary .. That was the time to hear and learn the Word of God, and nothing else could fill that place ... James 1:19 Know this, my beloved brethren. But that a man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;
Maria was one of the greatest virtues of the world, and that contrasts with what we see ..
"But Martha was distracted with much serving, and approaching him, they said, Lord, do You not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me.
Maria was "concerned" with so much to do:
The Greek word here is concerned, "periespato" (Peri: approximately .... spar is pull pull) (The world pulls us off center that is Christ) The verb literally means to draw from, Martha's attention as MOST important, taking it out of the circle that is about Jesus. We now also in the new covenant, we are called to live in Christ, in communion with him, there are many things in this world that pull us (we throw) and they want to split the center which is communion with Christ. - THE FLESH, THE WORLD AND THE DEVIL WANT TO SEPARATE FROM THE FELLOWSHIP OF CHRIST ...
There is also a practical way when you walk separated from Christ, to meditate on Christ, where Christ is, attend the Church. It is a great example why was not with Maria Marta?, Because the concern was not pulling him, tugged and pulled out from that central place. -
Do not ever heard say, "If I have time I go to the meeting," We know this is wrong, The people disturbed by things of this world whatever it is, many things you pull, push and pull of being in the right place, which is at the feet of Jesus.
"What is today to be at the feet of Jesus and that is not visible to our eyes today Physicists?" In the New Testament: It's live our lives relying on his cross in his blood, for our righteousness, forgiveness of sins and fellowship with him, and never pull anything not pull us from this position, after living in the confidence of his precious blood to live our lives to Christ giving practical priority, that is to meditate on Jesus in his word, attend meetings to listen Him, worship Him, learn of Him, and live our lives centered in worship and piety of Christ. It also means not to change the meetings in the Church of Christ for the world. He said where two or three gathered in his name there He was, so we could be somewhere else we, when there is a meeting of brothers as a Church can not be cooking or walking etc. Etc. Then we will see an example of what is to be at the feet of Jesus, before a question:
MARTA was not worried about something bad in itself, but at the time of Christ's preaching she could not be cooking. But bearing in mind! WHO WAS PREACHING!, Was not Espurgeon, neither Luther nor Paul, was Lord of them and the whole Church was the eternal God, the Lord, It's like God himself is preaching a sermon and we are in the kitchen preparing food for attendees. I saw a case in a Church where the youth were back chat and laughter as the preacher preached a beautiful Biblical message, I went and told him to shut up because I was distracted and not let me concentrate on the sermon. They are not of our missions we know, they do not leave long after the patience you say to those who speak! AND WE WILL HAVE TIME TO TALK AND LAUGH! COURSE WITH LOVE (Have patience with children, there are tips to keep them in the meetings, ask your Pastor, but send me Mail) Just as these young So is this distracting world, the flesh and the devil want to distract communion with Christ,
"I said, Lord, do You not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me.
According to some commentators think that Martha broke out, some say came to anger. And far from the truth are not, as it was and faced the Christ Himself, He asked if Christ was not bad, if he adhered to his sister is sitting there when SHE, Martha, she was so worried about doing so many things to attend. Marta was apparently very upset to have to face the same Christ, and to suggest that Christ was not realizing or supporting something wrong .... 'That's why we see that if she left. -
There are also cases where some are offended when they see a lot of pity in another, there are parents who are offended when they see their children do not miss the Church and want to meet more studies to cut off on Sunday to go to congregate. There are brothers who are offended when they see their brother is very pious.
Martha was also wrong not to be happy that her sister was at the feet of Jesus listening to change over your life ... Many times it can happen that instead of rejoicing in the mercy of our loved ones bother us.
If it is good that our brother is doing, if very pious is very faithful to Christ if He is, if you live in Banded and not lack for anything to the congregation, that's good, we must cherish the brother in that, we must imitate and not attacking. Marta should be happy that his sister was fed spiritually to Christ's feet. -
Also note that was great concern that Martha had, Some say that perhaps did not know that Christ came to his house that day, and she was not prepared for the visit and she had to feed everyone, and it was his intention to make a great feast for Christ. His intention was apparently good, This teaches us that things can distract or legitimate pull us out of Christ, we be so concerned about the church building is not painted and not allowing us to focus on the Word of God, in food after the meeting. In our lives we can be concerned with an infinite number of things that keep us from concentrating on reading Biblical Prayer. - There are many things that can be called legitimate worry too much and make us lose the best best. Sometimes when we are responsible for meeting or those responsible for meeting the position of responsibility we take so seriously that completely distracts from the message, takes us out of sitting humbly at the feet of Christ. -
10:41 Jesus answered and said, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things.
10:42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be removed.
Two words in this verse again define the state of Marta 1 - worried and 2 - Disturbed
1 - busily: Greek: "merimnas" Surrender μεριμνᾷς congojosa application to work with. (ANXIETY) Maria cared much about the food they neglected to attend the preaching. -
Why open inordinately concerned to point to refer to Jesus and his sister sure your audience? The answer may be many. 1 - There were many to attend. - 2 She was a very uneasy about seeking perfection, that everything will go first, in this case the attention of visitors and toiled so much, but there may be many things that we take the care of Christ. - 3 - still did not understand that at the time of preaching she must first attend the preaching and attention then. And Christ said that, at the time of preaching one thing is necessary, hear Christ preaching, then eat
OFTEN THE CHRIST WHO LIVED AROUND TUBIERON PROBLEMS WITH CHRIST JESUS WHO WAS NOT UNDERSTAND ... Who was there? He who multiplied the loaves and fishes to a real crowd. He who did eat approximately two million people for forty years in the wilderness, who was at a party the best grape juice, only water. Etc. So do not go hungry to be Christ. -
Brother when you are preaching the Word of God, or at the time of our prayer or Bible reading, this is in our moments of being at the feet of Jesus should not be nothing, nothing in the world to distract us. And brother 24 hours a day we should be in communion with Christ, our hearts must be always at your feet but is schedule to be at work. Our fellowship with Him is through faith in His precious blood that cleanses us from all sin. This is the most active of the Christian to be Christ's feet. That's the best party we were never removed. -
IN THE VERSES THAT FOLLOW, YOU CAN SEE WHERE IS UNDERLINED THE SAME GREEK WORD "merimnas" QUEEN JAMES TO TRANSLATE "labored" Mat. 6:25 Therefore I say: Do not worry about your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, nor about your body, what ye shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
Often the concern of life separates us from most important to be in communion with Christ that is, at the feet of Christ. -
Mat 6:34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Mark 4:19 And the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
So many things in this world we worry excessively, this world is a huge factory of anxiety. -
But one thing we demand to be with Christ forever. -! AS WE SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! Christ is all! If anything really as it should draw our attention is to be in his presence, and that spiritually we must not do anything, is by faith in Christ crucified, then in practice be at your feet is to be attentive listening meetings His word, praying later in the day and reading his word in his time we spend. Then you need time to work on their communion. -
We leave these worries brother, Let not the things of this world inordinately alarmed us, Study, work, money, securities. - We must do all this to the extent that we are not especially eager that we put on the altar to worship these things, then finally one day it will be useless. "Only one thing will be valued" If we were at the feet of Christ, and that was the position of our hearts in this life. -
Martha was alarmed beyond measure for something that will not be worth anything in eternity, What made Maria however will be valued in this life and the next, at the feet of Christ. -
10:41 Jesus answered and said, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things.
2_ troubled: Second Greek word used by Christ to show your inner Martha: troubled (thorybazē) θορυβάζῃ
Other terms used in translations of this Greek word into Spanish: Rampage, agitated, disturbed
It was noted that Martha was moved, if he left, he grabbed a big concern to him from the reality. -
The following verse is underlined where the same Greek word that we are studying (thorybazē: Acts 20:10 But Paul went down and lay on him, and after embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves, because it is alive.
This same word also reflects the spiritual state of Marta. Alarmed with such things and one was looking needed the eternal perspective. How many things that will alarm us and we strive today? What will these many endeavors that we are alarmed and do not take peace for eternity today? - In eternity the thing is simple, all you will have lived in communion is the son of God and have been on his feet in the spirit and in practice. - "God will gather all things in Christ" Ephesians 1:10
V-ONE THING IS NEEDED: 10:42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be removed. As mentioned, the thing is simple, we are very complicated beings. -
What counsel we would give MARTA?: You leave everything and go to hear preaching, even if the next time you are like Mary to Jesus' feet and then raised to Christ if you desire,! CHRIST WAS IN PERSON THERE! or after the sermon made with the assistance of Mary and others that is available to do. Likely to do something simple and good, and not much would be enough, so much concern. - The important thing is that he heard the teacher, the master of the world to the almighty creator of the universe that was explaining the word of God at home, that's what importantly, the only thing needed to save the day. Many in this town if they knew Bethany Who is who was in the house of Martha, had not broken away from him in no time. - Are you and your fallen from Him? He hopes, be happy runs into his arms for the faith ... Live your life in your communion, walks and works with him, is like Noah and Enoch, walking with God or know how Mary lives at his feet, that is by faith in His precious blood on the day, For Christ has died and rose for our sins, is there a more beautiful? There is not and if you are already at their feet! Rejoice! BECAUSE WHAT IS MORE BETTER THAN THAT IN THIS WORLD? NOTHING.
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