Here is who was the book of Revelation led to the seven churches and is part of
the Divine Trinity as we shall see. -! How great is that! God makes us get this
message also, his last before his coming, this is also a message for us if we
are part of the Church
of Jesus . ! How beautiful
messages that encourage us to live so strong in the darkness of this time, he
wants at this time also contact us and tell us is coming soon, to continue
faithful unto death, trust in the Father in the Son and the Holy Spirit burning
strong and ready to take control of everything in this world, everything we're
seeing is revealed to him in little will be brief in their control. So we have
wonderful messages so encouraging for all the times to come, they really are
bad. Only live in Christ, is the beauty for us believers. -
I) Number
SEVEN: As some argue, "Among all ancient peoples, especially in the East,
religious significance is attached to the numbers" ... Six days God
created everything and rested the seventh day, it was all Fact, This is a great
indication that as the number seven would consider it to mean "to
There are
many seven in the Bible: The seventh day the child was circumcised newborn,
"Lev 4:6 And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle
the blood seven times before the Lord, the veil of the sanctuary."
4:17 And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle it seven
times before the Lord the veil.
Lev 8:33
From the door of the tabernacle of the testimony shall not leave in seven days,
until the day they are fulfilled the days of your consecration: for seven days
you shall be consecrated.
1Sa 2:5
Those who were full rent for bread, and no longer have those who were hungry
hunger. Even the barren gives birth to seven, but which has many children
(Then I will
not give IBTS only mention because the list is long for a message like this ..)
.... Seven days surrounded Israel
to Jericho , to
Seven times
Nahaman dived into the water to heal. -
Then the
number seven is much in the feasts of Israel , at the Passover Feast of
Weeks, of Tabernacles, the Sabbath year and Jubilee. Seven lean and seven fat,
In the New
Testament has seven beatitudes, seven spirits before the throne, seven
churches, seven golden candlesticks, seven stars in the right hand of Him who is
like the Son of man, seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, seven horns
and seven eyes of the Lamb Rev 5:6 I looked, and saw between the throne (with
the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing as if slain, having
seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into
all the earth.;
Seven seals
of the book and the seven thunders, seven angels with trumpets ... So many
seven in the Bible,
conclusion we will say together that many Biblical scholars often sticks so
well in the Bible the number seven represents "completeness,"
"the total". The seventh day God had finished all creation and left
him to rest, the seventh day Israel
also had to rest from all His work was the end of Day. - Many had to do
something and was seven times full, sprinkle the blood seven times, dip seven
times, seven times around the city, I think unless this would not be complete. Seven
Spirit can represent the whole fullness of the Spirit of God. - The same as in
seven days, God had already completed all the whole creation, and even had time
to rest. The seventh day was over Israel and all its Full-time, the
entire week. And on the seventh day is consecrated to God and rest. -
The church
was gathered, not the end of the seventh full day, but to begin the first day,
teach Brothers they do because Christ rose on that day and is perfect may
already be a major cause of assembling the first day but also all week is
devoted to Christ, if we think of Christ and what He did, every day we congregaríamos.
It also
sticks well away on the first day of the week, not least because it could be,
among so many things to ask God to bless us all week to come, or to devote
full-time whole in the hand of God, or also devote our lives to God and at the
beginning. - For the Jews gathered on the seventh day, us first. Them on
Saturday, join us on Sunday, and I like it on Sunday is the beginning of the
week, and there we devote the rest of the week. The Jew and congregated at the
end of the week.
"All the Churches"
Then follow
our theme: We will take that when John writes to seven Churches is writing to
all the Churches, all full of all ages, is an interpretation that I personally
fall as well and that is something I see as Biblical For Of course we understand
that our human understanding is small and that one day God will explain
everything in detail and with a depth unimaginable .. ! That is wonderful! But
in the meantime that day comes that good if you learn as much as we can in our
power always looking to be guided by his Holy Spirit, LEARN AS MUCH. -
to the seven churches": Some think that the area had more than seven
churches, Laodicea and Hierapolis and others, Colossians 2:01, Colossians 4:13
and Colossians 4:15-16 But some brothers say that probably in the time of
writing this text if there were seven, among other things by some great
earthquake in the time mentioned by the historian Eusebius, where he says that
an earthquake destroyed some cities like Laodicea and Hierapolis and Colossae
influenced. - But we believe it is seven churches chosen by the message that
brings the number seven in Revelation and the Bible. - the message was sent to
the churches in general, and perhaps refers to the whole Christian world. However,
the number seven can be used here as the number of "completeness"
(following our verse. That developed apoc. 1:4) Grace and Peace:
This Grace
and peace come from God the Father (who is, was and is to come) by the Holy
Spirit (The Seven Spirits) and of the Son of God Perfect Witness (Rev. 1:5). -
Romans 1:7
to all who are beloved of God in Rome ,
called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ.
We speak of
grace ("Charis" Greek.) We had in Christ for their salvation, not
only grace but peace ("Eirene" Greek.) -
message is part of the Trinity to us, the Church of all time. If you do not
congregate not think you are part of the Church, if you do not congregate on
Sundays with the saints and if possible more days a week, so if you do not
congregate never think you are part of the Church, and if are not part of the
Church's message to Trinity Church, Revelation is not for you. That if you
should worry. But if you are part of the Church of Christ
on earth the message of Peace and Grace is for you. -! THAT WONDERFUL! God says
to you and me, "Grace and Peace" When so many in the world to condemn
the righteous sometimes in the church itself, God does not tell us the contrary
the "Grace and Peace" Are we living in this peace that we gives the
grace of God?
(continue with our verse 1:4) "who is and who was and who is to come"
is attributed to God the Father, who is saying in Revelation. 1:4 which is
Eternal. We will see that in addition it is also said of His Son Jesus. - This
shows us that God is eternally existent in the past present and future. - God
the Father eternal, that besides the Bible also says he is immortal , immutable
(never change): James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness,
neither shadow of turning
immutable, God alone has this attribute, we begin to exist on earth and before
that we were only safe in the plans of salvation for those who are saved. -.
to some commentators, Exodus Three say God was being introduced to Moses and to
after the name Jehovah is a name that denotes eternity, since in the third
chapter of Exodus God speaks to Moses from the past present and future , and
sticks very well with the Lord God was, is and always will be. - Our Lord Jesus
Christ is the eternal and immutable Divine attribute. - Re. 1:8 I am Alpha and
Omega - says the Lord God - who is and who was and who is to come, the
John 8:58
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.
ARE THE SEVEN SPIRITS BEFORE THE THRONE: (continue with Revelation. 1:4)
a mystery we are trying to understand, some are seven angels speak, but here
speaking of spirits, that Revelation is not named in Los Angeles . If we follow the meaning of
number seven say it is full and rich, full-powerful Holy Spirit. - Our finite
mind can grasp not what this means. Thus we see, and in this study hold this
line is to decipher the meaning of number seven. - We know that these seven
Spirits are very powerful something complete, perfect in every way, but as we
said this book is very deep, if not we understand all of his sayings, one day
God will explain everything clearly. -
personally come to my mind (not inspired by what I think, if what is written)
that the seven lamps burning represent unimaginable power of infinite power
that is only waiting for the right to intervene in the world, Who can stop him?
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