jueves, 25 de abril de 2013
1) Write to the angel of the church in Ephesus:
1-Read these texts
2 - Prayer:
3 - Introduction: Although these passages are talking about the basics of first love, the love that met to become, to know the love of God, who saved us from pure grace and gave us salvation. Ephesians 2:8.
Unfortunately it often happens that Christians eventually begin to have a legal contract with God and therefore cold, AND NOT LOVE. In that state, all we can do for much more abundant it has no value before God, this is bad in the eyes of God, so bad, to the point that it would close the Church unless they repent.
(Remove the lampstand from its place).
While this talk I want to deepen our text another topic. It is in the first verse. I want to talk tonight about the importance of being good "Messengers" and the importance in assessing our local Churches.
4 - It is the first letter of the 7 Church, The number 7 as we know speaks of completeness, seven days, a full week, so the seven Spirits, The fullness of the Spirit of God or the seven churches, the whole Church of all time.
5-It is the same Lord Jesus who speaks as seen in its context. / This is of particular value a great message to us and the Church. Live is Christ speaking to his Church.
6-Here I think most appropriate interpretation is that the angel of the church of Ephesus relates to the pastor or messenger of the church of Ephesus as the word Angel is also translated as messenger, Read Luke 7:24, 27, Luke 9: 52 Here in these verses the word messengers or messenger is translated from the Greek word "Angelos" is called John the Baptist Messenger "Angelo" is used this Greek word. What is used with John and his disciples calling them messengers is the same word that appears in our text of Rev 2: 1. It is important servant's responsibility to faithfully transmit everything he hears the word of God.
As a second text that I will use for this preaching is 2 Timothy 4:1-2.
7-Those who convey the Word of God, is a work of great importance. It is a most noble work. Whether the angels as messengers or preachers of the Church. Sometimes we tell the pastors who do not work at all, we have a noble work, the accurately absorb God's message and to transmit accurately. That takes time and it takes you to have another profession, ours is a job like any other job except that this is very responsible and important, and we can not miss the message of God to his people.
All believers must be messengers of God, some of pulpit and another not, but in transmitting the Gospel and we are messengers of the Gospel of God. Matthew 28:19
8-I once saw on TV an alleged Pastor that the message conveyed was that the healed, healed a deaf, spoke from a distance and then asked to repeat what they said from afar, the other repeated what he heard and Pastor said God called him healthy for deafness. That is a message that is not of God, and millions of messages called messengers are giving today has nothing to do with the Gospel, and Bible doctrines. / Argentine Pope is known that the Argentine soccer team is, but he preaches the gospel, that is not heard. The enemy does this. / That would have one opportunity to speak with the office clear the Gospel, but it is not. / We must proclaim the blood of Christ as the only remedy for sin. The overall saving grace through His blood.
Christ came to proclaim the Gospel. Mark 1:14,
9 - READ: Jeremiah 23:13-18, 21-22, 26 and 29;
They talked OF deceit of their own heart, that is condemned by God. God is against the false messengers, totally. -
10 First you have to listen very well the message and then to convey exactly the message of God, in our case we must read the Bible carefully and fully understand God's message to transmit, in this work consists of the preacher.
I'm just a messenger, the message is not mine is God's message.
All believers must be messengers of the Gospel.
11 - When our children are going to go study elsewhere must think first that they will congregate Church, a Church that convey the exact message of the Word of God. Or when you go to move to another city or town, if you can choose a town, wherever it has a good church.
12 John 17:8 "For the words you gave me I have given them" This is also the work of Pastor and messengers. It is here where we need to be faithful to the full, as was our Lord Jesus is our great example, receive and transmit faithfully the word of God faithfully.
13 - "He who holds the seven stars in his right hand," He who walks among the seven golden candlesticks "In the 1: 20 of this book tells us this is referred to recently read" The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches "and" The seven lampstands are the seven churches "
14-How wonderful that comfort his servants God has us in his hands. So does every Christian. John 10:28 "And no one's snatched out of my hand" just the messenger is in your right hand (right hand). We might think that you can refer to are those used THESE MESSENGERS The accuracy with his right hand. To trace your message properly and correctly.
15-This is where Satan attacked with all insurance, the messengers because their work is of utmost importance.
The devil (Ephesians 6:14) will want me to come to mean any lot. Or arguing happens all the time about how Metro was Noah's ark or where is the Life tree for example. And that WILL WANT THAT the messenger of the message of edification for the growth of us and is saved souls.
16-In Acts 20:27 Paul speaks refused not announce the whole counsel of God. An example for us. -
It is a great encouragement that preachers are in the right hand of God as they often suffer. Well usually the enemy wants to fill problems in the Church and thus distract to give a good message of God.
* The golden menorah or candelabra, was one in the people of Israel (In the holy place of the tabernacle) but seven candelabra for the Church, (Each of the 7 Churches has a candlestick) This according to a commentator has a teaching, seven full light chandelier for the Church today is the light of Christ to the world, we must be lights us. Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world"
17-When I went to Rivera Missionary then immediately went to a pastors conference in Montevideo and there advised me to not only look to unbelievers in Rivera but also the number of siblings who are not congregate.
18 - The devil does this, as in Acts 8 wants to spread throughout the Christian side, does not want to be in the Church, as a large fire with fire tailings pulls and pulls for all sides, but did not know that the Lord Churches formed around side too, is comforting to know that while the devil wants to destroy, Christ is building His Church, Paul was chasing but Christ said "Hard for you to kick against the pricks"
The devil is not going to want that Christians and unbelievers hear the message of God, and if you misunderstand what they hear, or otherwise attack the messenger sought to explain the message wrong, filling problems, distractions or riding making meat. You may also want Christians to offend and not to come over.
19 - * The walks in the midst of the seven candlesticks "He's active moves today watching the Churches. We are the eyes of Christ. Also in Matthew 18:20 says that where this two together in the name of Christ is the in midst.
For this among us, sure, to bless.
20 While this also sat and interceding for us in Heaven also is with us on earth with the Holy Spirit is God's is everywhere. And that he walks among the churches, to think when you watch The Church gathered and seen for example someone who lacks the church to go to the park or lacking the meeting of Prayer for a novel and so many similar examples .
Will belong to the Church? Says reading the Bible alone and do not need to go to church?
Listen likely that Jesus sees many empty chairs in the Churches, and that's not going to like that should be occupied Hebrews 10:25.
21-If I step sister who told me not to gather more because reading the Bible at home. I told him that when the Lord comes to take His Church to heaven, that rare that one is not in his Church and intended to be taken with the Church, that is a contradiction.
22 - I always wonder if my children when I die Do congregate? I ask to congregate today, not only because their parents they want to, but because they want it. / They respond to congregate me because they also want it.
* I tell my children to choose a career for a day but only living there nomas, I earn money to pay for electricity, water, food etc. to live, but that is not the most important thing in life the most important thing is God and His Church, in that if we can not fail ever, is the most important thing we have in this world. The Lord is not so busy with the dollar, for there maybe something for your children involved but where it truly has eyes in the church and that is where we should put our eyes and heart.
23-If you wonder where it could serve God, looking at these verses in which wanders watching his Church, I would say, give attention to do something for the church, I remember my mother who was busy washing the towels the bathroom of the Church and the ministry plantas.Y watering was visible but the central ministry she was tireless prayer by all. And through the years was faithful in doing this. We must do something for our local Church. The Church is the heart of God is the body of Christ. Colossians 1:18 / The throbbing of his Church and oversees it, why we do not do the same?, I heard some brothers once prayed that God destroys a church of sound doctrine. Too bad is that!
His eyes are not both in the park, in our amusements where Christians attend Sunday times, The is watching his Church is his pure candlestick.
FINDINGS: Invite your children, grandchildren, neighbors etc. to go with you to the holy Church that God gave us, we love his Church with genuine and true love is the golden lampstand God loves. Anyone for a glass of water, to do something for God will have his reward from God. Let's do something in the Church. Matthew 25:35 / Is the Church that preaches the Blood of Christ to the world, it is the Church that the Lord won with their blood. / Let us have no treasure on earth but in heaven helping our Church. Matthew 6:19 ...
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