martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Jesús walking on the water

Mark 6:47 ... They went to sea without Jesus, Jesus was alone on land? Because they went away / Is it because Jesus wanted to be alone to pray.? Matthew 14: 22-23.Fue to fire people and then took advantage of the occasion to pray to the mountain climbing further that if people stayed with realized they were going to do King. \

He wanted to fire, was super friendly, kind, gentleman, loved the ministry above all things, entered the service of the people, that day had made a spectacular showing evangelism to that crowd was the Messiah by multiplying the loaves and fishes . Nobody could do what Christ did, he multiplied the loaves and fishes. ? It would be good to participate in a ministry?

 ! How wonderful!, But Jesus stayed with them to the end, until he knew that if he stayed he would King John 6:14-15. Not that it was not, He is the King of Israel, son of David the Messiah the main line of his genealogia.Mateo 1:6-16. No King was like Christ the Son of God. But his plans were not visibly be King of Israel at this time, and were under the yoke of the Roman Empire, Christ came to get us the yoke of sin and not the domain of a political empire on duty. /

Christ takes the opportunity to pray Matthew 14:23, was again a lonely John 6:15. He knew what this life, our need of God's working in the lives of all believers and therefore prays, asks the father. ? The need to be like Christ, true men and women of prayer? He taught about the need to pray always and not lose heart Luke 18:1 Then He spoke a parable about the need to pray always and not lose heart, Christ taught to ask seek and knock Matthew 7:7-8. 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened.
7:8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
7:9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will give him a stone?
7:10 Or if he ask a fish, will give him a snake?
7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

SITUATION: John 6:17 says that it was dark dusk, in this situation a strong wind rose John 6:18, geographical conditions and the Sea of ​​Galilee environs sometimes allow strong winds to rise, is likely to drag them up the center of the sea. Mark 6:47.

VIO fatigued Christ: Mark 6:48. I tired a lot by the fact that the wind was contrary.
Christ saw them, This is wonderful because I had a few miles and it was dark, so this is a miracle. Christ is God and can do everything. He recognized the poor state of his disciples, even today can recognize and perceive whatever our situation, and what we learn here there are no obstacles that could prevent 'this time neither darkness nor distance nor the water as they were by the middle of the sea, made the stop to go to the aid of his disciples. The day also stops for nothing succor.

Christ was teaching a class of trust:

FOURTH NIGHT VIGIL: Mark 6:48 to 3-6 in the morning, Jesus came to them when they were suffering for them was a big relief because now rowed -5 or 6 kilometers, says 25 or 30 stadiums: John 6:19 ! felt a relief.!
PRECEDERLES WANTED: Mark 6:48 b likely to reach them from front, \ par
We see that CHRIST WALKS ON THE SEA: Mark 6:48 A great miracle of Christ. Wonderful, what they thought in the world to hear that Christ walked above sea storm.

They panic when they see him: Matthew 14:26, imagine what it will be for them to see something similar, in the darkness of the night to see someone walking amidst the waves of short Tues They thought a ghost but the voice of Christ brought them comfort and peace that humans need. Good cheer, I am not afraid Mark 6:50 reassures them with these words: In Matthew 14:27 says "Trust, I, be not afraid.

Teaching: This is wonderful in Christ, let us learn from the fight, lets us pass storms but quickly shows that there is, He was teaching here in practice his servants to trust Him, He was a great high school class learning to rest in the fact that He cares for us. /!! How important is that today we learn this! Really Have we learned to trust in Christ at all times and in the storms of life? God wants us to know ...

Peter wants to walk over the sea towards JESUS: Matthew 14:28 - 33
It's a request: Matthew 14:28. "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water?" As you think of this idea to Peter: He is the disciple who has a temperament that makes throwing, restless, transparent, says what he thinks , and apparently he had already experienced that Christ is God, and everything can, and began to see the miraculous catch, Luke 5:8-9, by the word of Christ was in the boat to pull the nets, and when the boat full of fish said "get out of my Lord I am a sinner" He perceived that he was facing a powerful and felt very sinner before Christ's holiness. Peter believed in Christ as a divine being and was the one who came to know that Christ was the Messiah by revelation from God. Matthew 16: 16
? He wanted to test if Christ really was? I knew if I was Christ the leftover water walk,!! While it is Christ in whom we trust things work, if not in Christ, not work!
And at the time believed and threw water walking though the wind makes you wonder, he knew that if Christ commanded the VAT WALK, and it was.

Saw the wind: Matthew 14: 30. Here apparently stopped trusting Christ or to rest in Christ or to look to Christ in faith. ? That things are strong winds that make us stop trusting in Christ. Many problems frightening, many things that scare you as the strong wind. Strong wind is more frightening and at sea. In this world there are many very scary things that scare us and we stop trusting in Christ.
It began to sink: Lack of trust in Christ makes you fall in this world, then here is a very important teaching in the Christian life, everything you live a life away from trusting in Christ makes you plunge into the Christian life. Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
12:3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

SAVE AND CALLS Christ: Matthew 14:31 - Christ of grace and lovingly calls him up though ... Ho man of little faith? Because you doubt? We walk in the Christian life by faith in Christ always, if we fall foul,! THAT great teaching for us today we walk in the Christian Life. /
You go into the boat, the wind and SOCIEGA LOVE. Matthew 14: 32-33 .. In Mark 6:51 says that if you were outside, what state is this? Worshiping stunned after the storm when one realizes that the situation was saved by Christ one is extremely happy, rested and worshiping. /! KIND OF FAITH tubieron DISCIPLES ALL THIS TIME! Let us also learn to trust who can do everything, Christ Jesus. -
Teaching teaches us that the Christian life is lived in utter dependence upon Christ and him crucified, we must live by faith believing that we are clean in his precious blood. In tests difficult struggles and at all times, we are not of little faith as we sink. /

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