jueves, 26 de enero de 2012


Ephesians Chapter 5:18
Am I filled with the Spirit? This message may help .- I helped my .-
Rather than being dominated by alcohol (because alcohol dominates the mind and then the whole body of the person who drinks it, however much you drink only one glass, I insist, even a little) and takes alcohol effect, going to dominate. This is known by traffic laws. Before, that's good to be guided and filled with the Holy Spirit, who guides the mind and the body. Or one or the other, He tells the Ephesians, probably orgies and pagan religious holidays. Where SE totally drunk, and also in their daily lives. This call is also special to our society today, our youth in this world. Siblings should never drink alcohol as a beverage, I would like to believe that the brothers never drink alcohol drink, just maybe you miss in a teaspoon remedy that contain alcohol. Or eat some cake there, When the cake make not a brother.) (If someone wants you to do any research or Study about this topic, about  the alcoholic beverage or want private advice please write to me with confidence. Or talk to its pastor, since he did not drink alcohol, of course.-

First let's see how to get the live in the Spirit by faith and then.Below is the practice to grow and mature, as he often called "our side", but he clarified, which is in the spirit we do what we call "our part" the practical part will start in our study, since the basis thatwe are living and walking in the Holy spirit .-

"Whoever believes in me" taken from John 7: 38
How do we receive the believer, the first time the Spirit within us?When we believed in Christ as our only and sufficient Savior, We believed that with his blood cleanses us forever all our sins .-

Today when we are out of communion with God, what way back to the enjoyment of Spirit? Is it different from the first time? Howbelievers now enjoy the Spirit. By Law or by faith? It is through faith in Christ as well .-
The Law of the Spirit of life operates in our position in Christ, this is our life of faith in Christ crucified, in our Christian lives. Today also Christ is our righteousness before God and always will be .-

By faith in Christ we are in communion with God .-

Some followers of Ermine, one who believed that their own meritsare valuable before God, think that communion with God is or is dependent on human works of the believer, but never, throughout the history of mankind, but Christ, God never justified the man for some merit, at any time. or stage, or an unbeliever, or Believer.Always, always will be justified or bound to God by the blood of Christ, Christian Our works are pleasing to God because we are in Christ alone. 1 Corinthians 3:11 .-

e Bible story begins as Abel and Cain. Why God liked Abel? Why are the Old Believers began making altars and offer Holocaust?, Is seen in Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Even before Noah did, why did it? Because they trusted in Christ crucified in that way in the Old Testament, Lamb trusted the, why the Holocausto ffered Job Fair?. Because they trusted in Christ as you clean from their sins. And ran the Bible, we might say, as one commentator said, if you understand the book of Leviticus today be finished religion. Religion would cease to exist. 'Because religion is the justification before God by their own merit human But God is the doctrine of justification by the blood of the Lamb .- THE TEACHING OF LEVITICUS GREAT .. In this book there is no doubt, ever, ever, no one can be justified without shedding ofblood, the lamb, the son of God .-
Religion says, You should do this and this to be just before God,the doctrine of God says, you do this and this because you arejust before God by the blood of Christ. 
Do you understand the difference? (Usually differentiate religion cost the doctrine of God)
obey his commandments because we are in Him not to be in Him -Keep the commandments because the Spirit produces in our hearts desire and love to follow. The basis is that we follow HimWhy? In total power of Christ our Lord to the glory of his grace.
- Christians often at this point we put the cart before the horse, andare the horses that come before the cart, but the cart would not function .- First we must be in communion of faith and then do the work .- 
(Ephesians 2:8-10) otherwise it is religion .-

Once a Believer called me told me. But, I had to do something to save me, I had to read the Bible, I had to go to church and so on. I had to hear Is not it works? If I said you also had to eat, feed tohave the strength to go to church and so much more to learn to read so .- BUT YOU DID BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD WHEN YOU CHOSE TO CHRIST AND SALVATION?(Ephesians 1:4).
  The looked at me and said I did nothing .- (He was right, since there was at that time, no one of us) There was convinced. We do not understand all the myriad of Wonders of God's redemptive plans but if we understand something, He gets all the glory, And we all, all we get is always, always pure grace by the merits of another, not the ours, and the other is our Lord Jesus, in Heaven so you say out loud, you are worthy, you'll get all the glory, thy blood is made 
​​Kings and Priests! Receive all our crowns, that if we win, we will pull at the foot of the Him and worshiped Him forever and ever, because there we will know with certainty and security, which did everything in us .- 

Some religious think to live by faith is complete inactivity, like, sitand hold their arms and live like that. True faith is not works but where is the secret here in the Christian life? That faith in Christ is the plug or connection to the Holy Spirit? Juan7: 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (THE POWER OF A RIVER, THE POWER adorn the heavens) Job 26:13 13 13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.

Those who say that by the Works We connect to the Holy Spirit, are far from the truth, as the stream of living water will get it in the faith of Christ. "As Jesus said: Whoever believes in me" He who does Wonders in us, brothers, you do so by law or by hearing with faith. (Paul says in Galatians 3:1-5) And Paul answered in the next verse. "Abraham was justified by faith" .- reached communion because he believed in Christ. "Clean God sees usin Christ and in Him and see us seated with Christ in heavenly places .- The secret of our life today is to live in communion with Christ by faith (Galatians 2:20) Trusting in his grace) And from this base, battle, fight as the new man created according to God.
As we will see, but as I said, do not forget "Never, for nothing will separate from her communion" That you can have it is of grace .-But if you justify before God not by blood (and Christians) but by the law or merit or works .. Then I detached from their communion because you stopped trusting in Christ .- Galatians 5:4 You have been severed from Christ, you who seek to be justified by law have fallen from grace.
In Galatians it is written for the Christian, not to the unbeliever: Galatians 2:21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.

We see verses in Acts of the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. Also in the Gospels but remember that even Christ in the Gospels had not died on the cross and had not come yet the Holy Spirit at Pentecost .-
Today in my opinion. We have the same fullness of the Spirit at the time of receiving Christ, believing that a lot of years (althoughthere is a difference DIZFRUTE. We'll see) Does God give the Spirit by measure? (John 3:34) Who is Newly More Christian Holy Spirit, or the saint who became sixty years ago and lived by faith? . In my opinion both have the same spirit, there is no portion of the Spirit, is complete with all its power both in the same way.The difference today is that one matures, and the other not yet. Is beginning .- We know of the doctrine of spiritual growth.


 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Evidently, today, be filled with the Spirit does not mean that ourperson does not need to grow, but the Spirit has all the control in our lives, does not mean that no effort to change the act, but every day we do to grow. (We need to mature and learn from Him, Hedoes the work taking control. As King in our lives. Full and complete in our lives. Do we know this in our personal lives?.When Christ said we must be perfect as our Father, we are asuper human justice, superior to that of the world, but that does not mean that we reach the perfection of God, we must continueto grow and mature (What would be different if we live our Christianity filled with the Spirit? is not this one of the greatest needs of Christianity today?
The Spirit guides, teaches, mature.
This glass of mud totally taken by the Lord, learn, grow, enlightens us, guides us and we develop, there are full of the Spirit, because he has total control of our lives. "Christ lives in me" Galatians 2:20From "Hidden in Christ" Colossians 3:3 "Filled with the Spirit"Ephesians 5:18. God takes our whole being, our Christianitymatures and grows .- • Paul urged the Corinthians to stop drinking milk, and had to be more mature. It also happens this exhortation in the book of Hebrews .- Heb 5:12

The Believer faith, is adding more and more, will grow and mature,if you live in the Spirit that is in the righteousness of Christ .- For example I have the same spirit in me that 20 years ago, who alsoenjoyed , but I'm not the same today, as I learned from the Word, life with him, experience, testing, shock. I was getting more from him and am not the same. Whenever we are moving in this process of growth, in communion with God, we are filled with theSpirit makes you wonder in us .-

Practical steps for MATURE: We assume that we are in Christ and in communion. The new man is already fair, Ephesians 4:24
 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
In our time we would say that we are FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT When we add every day to Him in every part of our being. God lets us participate in this, not the carnal man, as we said the spiritual man and justified. God lets you grab the armor of God and battle, every moment, thus united to God and the brothers all Together we will grow with the growth that gives us our great God .-

I) How mature? SUMMARY:
A) The practical ways:
1) The constant Bible reading. Do not just read it, read out to change more spiritual teachings to our lives and brothers. Noting the teachings. Seeking to learn from our Lord Jesus Christ and his doctrines throughout the Holy Bible .- Luke 24:27 "And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained the reference to it in all the Scriptures.
Luke 24:44 And he said, This is what I said when I was still with you: it was necessary to fulfill all that is written about me in the law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.
 24:45 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,

2) Confess our sins when we are saved: (Part of this point explains in part) When we realize we are in the flesh or sin we come to Christ by faith and confess our sin. Looking for Christ's atonement for the same .- 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 2:1 .- My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not, and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;
 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
3) Assistance to Biblical Studies Institute and Sunday worship services and prayer meetings. And take advantage of the studies and sermons and notes .- ... (If this does not do and live alone at home and just think there edify mature How do you think if you're not practicing love and so much more in your congregation?
Ephesians 4:15 before the truth in love, may grow in all things into Him who is the head, even Christ, 4:16 Of whom the whole body composed and well linked together by every joint of their food,received by the operation, each member according to his measure increasing body takes in love builds itself.
There is spiritual food that you only receive the congregation, together with the brothers. If this does not practice, or think you are going to grow up .-
4) A Life of Prayer: We have a notebook where you registered on the prayers made by way of a plan or strategy of war. 2Co 2:11 For we are not deceived of Satan, we are not ignorant of his devices. We know the cunning of the enemy. Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made which said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? We have to ask considering that we battle cunning enemies and attack us in the most essential. Researching and analyzing all go places where you could touch us our ministries and church. Do not leave any gaps. We must make a weekly or monthly fast as possible. How nice if marriage and family, practice prayer and fasting and pray for his family, church, ministries and all those who can .- Christ the Lord said that some genera only come through prayer and fasting. Mat 17:21 But this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the powers of this dark world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
6) living and practicing the whole council of God: Acts 20:27 I did not shrink from declaring the whole counsel of God.

Blessings brothers. Your brother in Christ that they are appreciated.

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